Web Design Trends for 2024

Posted on 13th January, 2022 by Applecado

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What website design trends do we expect see more of in 2024?

Design trends are interesting, and it’s always fun to look back over these blogs; The evolution in styles over the last few years has been quite subtle incrementally but clearly start to add up to more when you look back over a slightly longer timeline.

Here are our webdesign trend predictions and what we think we’ll be seeing a lot more of in 2024.

Motion and Animation

We’ve seen this shift on social media – the preference for much shorter video content like stories and reels compared to longer form video content. There’s more competition for our reader’s attention, so we have to do more to capture it without asking for a big time investment.

While social media is leaning towards this short, snappy delivery, websites and designers are also able to use subtle motion or animation in design to direct attention to what they want customers to interact with, or just to stop scanning and make the experience more memorable.

Mouse Pointer/Hover

Love them or hate them – playing with mouse-pointers/hovers, animated or even just oversized/enhanced ones are seemingly more frequent. They catch the eye and can encourage readers to interact.

Consider if they enhance the reader’s experience on your website though, as with any design trend - don’t use it for the sake of it, but it can great if it helps guide a user through what they’re trying to do.


We’ve all been through a lot over the last couple of years, and brands appear to be sympathetic and aware with their choice of pastels in campaigns.

Perhaps it’s the Winter, ‘hygge’ aesthetic, and we’ll see more bold hues to come in the summer. Personally I’m betting on seeing deep jade greens and rich purples – perhaps encouraged by Pantone’s 2021 Colour of the Year (Very Peri).

Maximalism & Abstract Design

While copy will probably continue to favour a preference for minimalism; header, hero and homepage designs are moving towards maximalism with more colour, more texture and noise, and high contrast elements within them.

Abstract illustrations and collage effects are being used more frequently in advertising and design, and we think that will continue through 2024.

Expressive Typography

Where we’ve seen hero images evolve from big beautiful screen-filling photography, to stark copy with high-impact statements, this trend looks as it will taken further with even more enthusiastic typography styles, and loads more personality to express.


Design trends come and go. We shouldn’t hop on board the latest one regardless of how well it fits your project, and we have to be careful of dating a site that way. It’s also still critical to consider the conventions when designing for your audience.

Get in Touch

You can always get in touch with us, let us know what you think about our predictions for 2024. If you’ve got a new project you’re planning – we’d love to talk to you about it.