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The Applecado Blog

2019 Roundup

Year review 2019

First up, we were very grateful to be awarded ‘North Hampshire’s Best Web Development Agency’ by CV Magazine. It did come as a bit of a surprise and we still need to get the award framed for the office! Maybe we’ll be able to put that in next year’s update?

Best Web Development Agency Award

New Project Launches

In terms of work, 2019 saw the launch of Elise Parts, one of our most recent eCommerce design and development projects. Elise Parts was covered somewhat in our previous annual review, and is featured in our portfolio here as well. It’s heavy on great features for customers using the website, but it also has tons of clever functionality for the team to use in the back end as well as various integrations with their other internal systems. There’s so much to list, we’re sure this is one eCommerce project that was perfect for us and our bespoke development approach.

We were also extremely proud to have launched bespoke franchise management sites for Mini Athletics, and a double project of bespoke software and ecommerce, for sister companies Enhanced Living and Looking After. Mini Athletics is a fantastic website run by an enthusiastic team, bringing fun and inclusive athletics coaching to pre-schoolers, you can read all about Mini Athletics in our portfolio.

Enhanced Living and Looking After are a new start-up, Looking After needed a bespoke online shop to be developed to sell a range of independent living products aimed at dementia and Alzheimers patients, while Enhanced Living is a CRM and portal connecting patients and their families with care providers.

Re-visiting with a Phased Approach

We love knowing we support our clients and projects for a long time after launch; in 2019 we worked with three existing clients to bring new features or products to their websites.

We gave Smooch a brand new back-end for their wedding ring design website, they wanted to keep their original design and front end from 2012 but we were able to give them a much faster website, upgraded code, and a CMS that was even better to use.

This year saw us add some more useful features to Bluetown Online’s recruitment portal, changing messaging and calendar functionality to help their customers work more smoothly. This phased approach to development is really suited to flexible companies, and works well when we focus on which sections of a website would benefit most from additional development.

Applecado got to work with Future Facilities again over 2019, creating a bespoke support area for their customers and seamlessly integrating it into their website administration area – no need for multiple systems or log-ins!

Anything Else?

Team Applecado also play as hard as we work, and can’t write this review without sharing that Alex and Applecado were crowned Champions of the 2019 MSVR Elise Trophy.

Enough about us! Are you making plans for change in 2020?

If you have a project you’d like to chat about with the team, please do contact us, we’d love to discuss your design or development project.

Applecado Elise Trophy


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