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The Applecado Blog

Quarterly Round-Up

Quarterly roundup 2016

What have we been doing?

So far this year we have launched three brand new websites, each with very different requirements.

One of our recently completed projects is Medical Stats Decision Tree - this was a very interesting exercise for our development team. We created a completely custom decision tree (or flow chart, if you’re more familiar with that concept) from scratch, with multiple and unlimited questions and answers. We can imagine lots of uses for this so watch this space and we’ll show you more soon, we’re also going to put this one in the portfolio soon so you can read a lot more about it.

Earlier this year also saw a collaboration with Muze Creative to launch the new website for Future Facilities; a global company with masses of expertise in Thermodynamics and Engineering Simulation Software - seriously clever stuff! Their new corporate site is a massive improvement visually and it’s infinitely more simple to navigate now. We developed a bespoke content management system for Future Facilities which allows anyone in their team to quickly and easily publish new content, edit case studies and much more, instead of leaving it all for one person.

And what are we working on now?

There are a few websites we’re polishing up and helping with copy at the moment, and we’re expecting a handful of them to launch very soon so we’ll have more to share with you (and show off) soon.

Amongst these is a new website for Gary Feakins Racing, a successful motorsport team; Beringer Tame are also working with us to launch their brand new recruitment website which will give them much more control over their own business. Last, but not at all least, we’re working through some finishing touches for Flying Pictures, an amazing aerial filming company whose work you will certainly have seen at least a handful of times; their work features in hundreds of popular movies, adverts and TV programs.

A few other things we’d like to mention from this quarter

  • We found ourselves in an old .net magazine article. It’s a very nice feeling when you find out your work was published, even if it’s after five years
  • We turned SIX!*
  • We also got to stick our logo on another racecar

If you want to know more, keep an eye out on our blog, portfolio, Facebook and Twitter for more about what we’re working on (as well as some other fun stuff), and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’re planning a new website design or development project and you think we can help. We’d love to hear from you.

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