The Applecado blog

Bounce Rate – do I need to worry about it?

Hopefully you have Google Analytics set up on your website to track and analyse the traffic flowing to and from your site (if not – TOP TIP – do this now!). When browsing your Google Analytics account you will have seen your ‘bounce rate’, but what does it mean, what is good or bad, why might it be higher on some pages and not others? Below we take you through some of the key things you need to know about bounce rates, what affects them and how you can improve them.

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Quarterly Review: Custom Translation

Suddenly realising we’re already half way through 2017, and that another three months have gone past since our last review we’d like to share some of the development we’ve been working on.

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Tips for working with a website design / development agency

Working with an agency can be a daunting task if you haven’t before, so we’ve put together some top tips to make sure you get the best from your chosen agency (and obviously we hope that would be us!). By working with an agency you’re able to get the expertise you need, have a new perspective on a project or get help solving a complicated problem, so take the tips below and dive in!

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The cost of a typo, and four tips on how to avoid them.

You know by now that 'Content is King', but is your content's credibility being affected by grammatical and spelling mistakes? We’ll discuss whether typos have an associated business cost, and share four simple things you can do to make sure you’re publishing the best content possible.

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Quarterly Roundup April 2017

We’re excited to share with you what we’ve been up to so far in 2017. Read more to find out.

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What is SSL, and do I need it for my website?

Read our article on SSL, we aim to help you understand the jargon around this ‘new’ convention and decide whether or not a SSL certificate will benefit your website.

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Quarterly Roundup December 2016

Every now and then we take a look at our blog and realise another quarter has slipped by without us writing another ‘personal’ blog for anyone curious about what we’ve been working on recently.

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Spam Through Your Website’s Contact Form?

Spam is becoming more of a nuisance in today’s busy lives as we spend more time connected to our devices, and online services. While the email hosting giants try to do what they can, we’re see larger and larger volumes of spam emails cluttering up our inboxes.

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Proudly presenting our own blockbuster - Flying Pictures’ new website

Flying Pictures are the world leaders in aerial filming. We were lucky enough to work with them a couple of years ago creating a fantastic web-based management system. Now we partner up again to re-launch their website.

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Applecado creates new digital look for Beringer Tame

Beringer Tame isn’t just another recruitment company. Specialising in senior and digital marketing; they take great pride in matching the right people to the right companies. 

We were asked to revamp their online identity and bring their website functionality back into line.

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Quarterly Round-Up

We’ve neglected our blog a little so far this year, we’ve been so busy since January that the ‘day job’ [producing amazingly functional bespoke websites] has kept us from writing anything about what we’ve been working on.

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Celebrating our 6th birthday!

Well well well, we’ve got more than half a decade under our belts now. On the 7th April, our web development agency turned SIX - that’s six years of hard work, hard but really genuinely rewarding work.

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